Voiced Labialized Velar Nasals
Paul - English - US
How to Pronounce
Voiced Labialized Velar Nasals
Related Pronunciations
Voiced Velar Nasals
Voiceless Labialized Velar Nasals
Voiced Labialized Velar Liquids
Voiced Labialized Velar Glides
Voiced Nasals
Voiceless Velar Nasals
Pulmonic Airstream Voiced Labialized Velar Affricates
Voiced Bilabial Nasals
Voiced Alveolar Nasals
Voiced Palatal Nasals
Voiced Uvular Nasals
Voiced Velar Plosive
Voiced Velar Plosives
Voiced Velar Occlusive
Voiced Velar Stop
Voiced Velar Fricative
Voiced Velar Nasal
Voiced Velar Fricatives
Voiced Velar Affricates
Voiced Velar Liquids
Voiced Velar Glides
Voiceless Labialized Velar Liquids
Voiceless Labialized Velar Glides
Pulmonic Airstream Voiced Nasals
Voiced Labial-velar Stop
Voiced Labial-velar Plosives
Voiced Labial-velar Fricatives
Pulmonic Airstream Voiceless Labialized Velar Affricates
Pulmonic Airstream Voiced Velar Plosives
Pulmonic Airstream Voiced Velar Fricatives
Pulmonic Airstream Voiced Velar Affricates
Labialized Consonants
Labialized Lateral
Labialized Consonant
Mazy Nasals
Radiographic Nasals
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