No, Klassen is not a Jewish name, although there may be some Jews that have sought disguise under it, just as they have gone under the names of Smith, Jones and, undoubtedly, Thornton.
Paul - English - US
How to Pronounce
No, Klassen is not a Jewish name, although there may be some Jews that have sought disguise under it, just as they have gone under the names of Smith, Jones and, undoubtedly, Thornton.
Related Pronunciations
No Name
Name Is
Hope Is A Name
Cindy Klassen
Ruth Klassen
Sarah Klassen
Heinz Klassen
Is Is Not
No Not
Is A No deal
Is Not
A Sang Is Not
No! It is not ok
A Girl Has No Name
Is That A Family Name?
is that a family name
A Name
Name A
No Use for a Name?input=No Use for a Name
No Name Basis
Author No-name
No Other Name
No Name Saloon
No Name Ready
No Name Shop
No-name Fire
The No-name
No-name Cleat
My Name Is...
My Name Is..
My Name Is
Is-is Not-is-nots
Not Is, Is It?
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