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Record Of Bureaucrats
The Law of the Bureaucrat is simple: “The Bureaucrat is the smartest person in the room.” This Law has a huge impact on everyday life and, if fully understood, will make it clear that we must clean out all the Federal bureaucracies. Further, it demonstrates why Anthony Fauci felt free to pursue gain of function research in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. And finally, it explains why he feels free to completely dismiss any criticism of his actions. Let’s break it down. Congress passes lots of laws. But Congress has no interest in actually dealing with the details. Congresspeople love to paint with a broad brush and say they’ve “helped you” by passing a multi-thousand-page act with a wonderful-sounding title. How to implement it is too much trouble for such important people. Instead, they hand it off to a bureaucratic agency. Or, if they are “faced with a problem, be it real or imagined, that stirs voters, politicians propose new programs to solve the problem.” Congress (and this applies at many lower levels as well) simply isn’t smart enough to give bureaucrats adequate direction. “Formulating rules now often requires bureaucrats specializing in finance, economics, statistics, and numerous fields of science.” Imagine Alexandria Airhead Cortez explaining to the CDC how it should “control” diseases. Of course, diseases cannot be “controlled.” Whatever doctors do simply helps your God-given mechanisms do the work.
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