Glowing Perception?input=Glowing Perception
Paul - English - US
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Glowing Perception?input=Glowing Perception
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Related Pronunciations
Glowing Cow
Glowing Cat
Glowing E.T. Heart
Direct Input
Voice Input
Depth Perception
Musical Perception
Sense Perception
Auditory Perception
Extrasensory Perception
Olfactory Perception
Self Perception
Taste Perception
Sound Perception
Subliminal Perception
Touch Perception
Detailed Perception
Re Perception
Standard Input/output
Data Input Device
Intelligent Input/output
Extra-sensory Perception
Your Perception Of
Textual Sensory Perception
Extra Cellular Perception
Basic Input/output System
Output-to-input Ratio
Netware Input/output Subsystem
Hallucinogenic Persisting Perception Disorder
U1F19A Vs Input Latin Uppercase
U1F545 Exclamation Mark Input Symbols
Input Symbol For Symbols U+1F4A4 Zzz
We first see a bunch of multi-colored smoke. A few seconds later, a blue glowing outline of a Hindu goddess fades in the middle, and then later the smoke fades away, revealing a statue of the Hindu goddess Kali in a rocky setting. The glow then fades away, as the camera starts to zoom in and stretch toward the statue. When we reach Kali's eyes, the footage fades away, revealing a red sketch of Kali's eyes with a blue glow. The eyes zoom away and as it stops, the letters "KM" in pink wipes in below, and then the company name "KAJOL MAGNUM" in yellow zooms in. The text then glows for a second but we have to sell that statue because of budgrt cuts
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